With an estimated 220 proposed housing projects still in the planning department’s review queue after an unprecedented rush to beat new affordability regulations in 2022, the Denver City Council on Monday voted to extend approval deadlines for those projects into next year.
The deadline for all project plans that still qualify for the city’s Expanding Housing Affordability program grace period to receive final approval is now April 18, 2025. The City Council unanimously approved that extension on Monday.
This is the second time the city has extended deadlines for project plans submitted before the housing affordability requirements took effect on July 1, 2022. The previous deadlines ranged from May 17 to Dec. 31 of this year depending on the projects’ specifications and progress.
Emily Collins, the city’s Expanding Housing Affordability administration, said she expects this extension to be the last one necessary for the program.
Monday’s changes also shorted the window during which applicants are allowed to make changes to development plans in response to planning department comments before resubmitting them. Applicants will now have 90 days to resubmit their plans, down from 180, Collins said.
The Expanding Housing Affordability requirements mandate that any apartment or condo project of 10 or more units in Denver must set aside a portion of its units as affordable housing or pay significant fees in lieu of that construction.
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