Happy Spanish man hiding from his wife practising deep thinking on the toilet. Catching up on his ‘me time.’
Why men spend more time on the toilet than women – Science unlocks the truth!
Credit: Shutterstock, H_Ko
Most men spend their lives chasing women, yet some of their happiest moments are spent hiding from them – in the bathroom. Why? We turned to science for answers, and the results didn’t disappoint.
Research indicates that men often spend more time on the toilet than women and may use bathroom visits as a form of personal retreat. A form of mindfulness if you will… A survey by UK Bathrooms found that men average one hour and 35 minutes on the toilet each week, compared to women’s 55 minutes. This means that in a head-to-head tournament, women would win in terms of efficiency. They just seem to know how to get it done and get it done fast.
But before the angry blue-haired brigade start clapping and chanting on the intra-webs, wait; this extended time is not due to physiological needs, or a male inability to ‘multi-task’. Us men are – on the whole- much smarter than this… A study by Pebble Grey revealed that a third of men admit to hiding in the bathroom to seek peace and quiet away from family responsibilities.
The primary reasons include avoiding chores, escaping from overbearing partners, and using mobile phones without disturbance.
Additionally, 86% of men report doing most of their reading on the toilet, compared to 27% of women, suggesting that – in addition to daily mindfulness practice – men are often very well-read.
So there you go folks, it’s science. On the next international men’s day – on Wednesday, November 19, 2025 – give your significant other some ‘happy time’ on the toilet. It may be the only moment of release they get.
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